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Percentage of Asylum applications processed within 6 months




A data frame with 36 rows and 16 variables:







Decisions in

Column just containing a label saying "6 months"

Total Applications Received

Total applications received

Of those Applications received the number completed within six months

Number of applications completed

Of those Applications received the percentage completed within six months

Percent of applications completed

Total Male Applications Received

Total applications received for males

Of those Male Applications received the number completed within six months

Number of applications completed for males

Of those Male Applications received the percentage completed within six months

Percent of applications completed for males

Total Female Applications Received

Total applications received for females

Of those Female Applications received the number completed within six months

Number of applications completed for females

Of those Female Applications received the percentage completed within six months

Percent of applications completed for females

Total Unknown Applications Received

Total applications received for people whose sex/gender is unknown

Of those Unknown Applications received the number completed within six months

Number of applications completed for people whose gender/sex is unknown

Of those Unknown Straightforward Applications received the percentage completed within six months

Percent of applications completed for people whose gender/sex is unknown
